Forest Management

Chilton Logging, Inc. employs a staff of four highly qualified foresters that will work as a team to develop a professional timber management plan for your forested property.  This can be a great way to save money on your property tax liability, but is also very important in developing a strategy for maximizing the value of your land over time and into future generations. We love the idea of timberland being passed down through family generations over the long-term.  Our strategic planning service will help to ensure that your timberland is safe, healthy and producing as much value for your family as possible.

Every timberland owner has a unique set of goals and objectives for their property.  We will work with you to develop a strategic plan for reaching those goals, whether it’s log value, aesthetic value, wildlife habitat, recreation, or some combination of all of these.


Call (360) 225-0427

Let’s talk about your timber management plan today!